It’s Time to Think Pink!

While October is the first full month of Fall, pink seems to overshadow all the lovely Autumn colors. Pink has taken on a new identity since becoming the color that represents the fight against Breast Cancer.  Since October is recognized as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, it only makes sense that pink to be everywhere!

Falling in Love with Autumn

September has come and gone, stealing summer as it left. While we are lucky enough to have the warm weather sticking around,  it is time to embrace the changes coming our way. Pack away the white and bring out the burgundy, royal blue, and burnt orange!

Before We Bid Summer Adieu…

Maybe it’s because I’m a July baby, or because I took classes all summer, or maybe it’s because I haven’t gotten my fill of the beach yet, but I am not ready to shun everything summery, warm, and wonderful yet. And thank goodness I don’t have to.

Once in a Blue Moon…

It used to be I could only find the perfect gifts once in a blue moon. This is exactly what the founders of Blue Moon Gift Shops were thinking about when they opened their doors almost thirteen years ago. They wanted to create a place where customers could find something special for everyone on their...

Hale to the Sea!

I know I’m still technically the new girl on the block, but I still can’t get over the amazing people and artwork that comes through the Blue Moon doors. From the moment I saw Craig Hales stunning work, I was enthralled. It’s like having an ocean view anywhere you hang his work. The colors are...

Valentine’s Day Gift Guide

What will you give your Valentine this year?? For the Traditional Valentine: