A wood fired salt kiln opening… this is a very cool process that we just had to share with you!
Crystal, of the Crystal King Pottery shop at Blue Moon, shared these pictures with us and we just had to let ya see them. They are of the firing at the kiln behind her parent’s shop, King’s Pottery in Seagrove, NC. This is the way a kiln would have been fired a hundred years ago, with wood for fuel and salt for the finish. The firing takes 24 hours and is a week-long process between loading and cooling. They never know what to expect until they unload the kiln so it’s as much fun for the potters as it is for the public who are there to see the finished pieces. The above picture is a view of the inside of the kiln when they opened it to stoke the fire. (Such a cool shot! Anyone else see a little fire guy disco dancing up front?)

One of the pieces of pottery as it came out of the kiln. Check out the cool pattern the salt causes in the glaze.